Strategic Plan 2024 – 2030

Our Mission: Tallgrass Ontario will identify and facilitate the conservation of tallgrass communities* by coordinating programs and services to provide assistance to individuals, groups and agencies.

*Note – The term “tallgrass communities” describes the assemblages of flora and fauna making up tallgrass prairie and savanna systems in North America.

Strategic Priority 1: Facilitate the creation and restoration of tallgrass communities


  1. Complete project commitments
  2. Establish partnerships with other businesses and agencies doing restoration
  3. Maintain landowner contact list
  4. Coordinate restoration projects
  5. Write grant applications

Strategic Priority 2: Increase public awareness and stewardship of tallgrass communities


  1. Develop information about conservation and restoration
  2. Promote knowledge and information-sharing on social media, the TgO website, and other digital formats
  3. Increase the distribution of Bluestem Banner
  4. Work cooperatively with government agencies
  5. Engage in discussions with landowners and partner organizations to promote information on conservation and restoration of tallgrass communities

Strategic Priority 3: Seek out and support measures to protect existing and potential tallgrass communities across the province


  1. Identify possible sites for the introduction/restoration of tallgrass communities
  2. Contribute to cooperative mapping of tallgrass sites across the province
  3. Maintain mapping of tallgrass sites across the province

Strategic Priority 4: Support and promote research, knowledge, and best management practices associated with tallgrass communities


  1. Remain current on grassland habitat research
  2. Facilitate research of tallgrass communities and species
  3. Work with other organizations and researchers to compile an inclusive map of prairie in Ontario
  4. Act as a clearinghouse for information, research, and funding sources, which partners and landowners may access

Strategic Priority 5: Ensure Organizational Capacity


  1. Maintain effective board practices
  2. Generate funds
  3. Sustain and/or grow membership level by ensuring that TgO delivers value for members
  4. Reduce organizational risk

The full 2024-2030 TgO Strategic Plan can be found here.