Donate Now

All donations will be used for Tallgrass Ontario’s activities in support of Ontario’s grasslands including Outreach, Education, Remnant restoration and Habitat creations. A charitable tax receipt will be forwarded upon receipt. To support these actions simply click on the “Donate Now” button to donate to Tallgrass Ontario through Canada Helps or send a cheque to:

Tallgrass Ontario
306-47 Colborne St.
Toronto, ON

Support TgO

Tallgrass Ontario is dependent upon financial contributions from corporations, individuals and grants from a variety of government funds and private foundations. TgO has historically undertaken projects across the province on behalf of funding agencies on a project by project basis. Most of these projects have short terms with specific objectives and deliverables.

These grants have been augmented by the generous contributions from individuals that have purchased memberships or though donations solicited in TgO’s annual direct mail campaign.

TgO is a registered Canadian charity with the goal of protecting and conserving Ontario’s Tallgrass communities. Directors of TgO serve without remuneration. TgO has the ability to provide tax deductible receipts for gifts of cash, stocks or other financial instruments, items of value that can be used by TgO in its operations or sold for cash. 

All gifts of cash or other instruments will be used by TgO for its charitable purpose. Tax receipts will be issued upon receipt of the donation provided the donation is made in cash, cheque or by credit card. Gifts of merchandise or stocks will be receipted upon valuation by an appraiser or for the amount of the sale price of stocks. Only gifts of merchandise that can be used by TgO can be accepted unless those gifts of merchandise can be immediately liquidated for cash. Liquidated items will have a tax receipt issued for the sale price of those items.

Services provided by an individual or company are not deemed to be gifts by Revenue Canada and are therefore ineligible for tax receipts.